(2019) The effect of ice floe shape on the load experienced by vertical- sided structures interacting with a broken ice fieldDeprecated/Ice load 2020. 10. 12. 21:00
the effects of ice floe shape on the load experienced by vertical-sided structures interacting with a broken ice field에 대한 연구를 진행하였음.
ice floe shape가 mean and standard deviation of the ice load에 큰 영향을 가진다는것을 발견함. 특히, 많은 연구에서 실험용으로 많이쓰이는 square floes는 다른 floe shapes에 비해 higher mean & std을 도출한다는 것을 발견함.
In this study, the influence of ice floe shape on the load experienced by structures interacting with a broken ice field is investigated.
The prediction of broken ice loads on structures is complicated due to many (often not well understood) phenomena that may influence the ice load. The contributing factors are the ice areal coverage; the ice thickness; the ice material properties and the floe size (including size distribution); the floe shape; the quantity of brash ice; the ice drift velocity; the wind and current conditions; and the confinement conditions (e.g., by a shoreline or other structures).
Of the above factors, the effects of the ice areal coverage, the ice thickness, and the ice drift velocity are most studied.
The ice areal coverage is found to have the largest influence on the ice load (Comfort et al. [1]).
[1] Comfort G, Singh S, Spencer D. Evaluation of ice model test data for moored structuresComfort G, Singh S, Spencer D. Evaluation of ice model test data for moored structures - PERD/CHC report 26-195 1999. p. 1–77. 1999-04, Technical report.
Previous Works
the effects of floe shape on rafting of a broken ice field를 실험 또는 DEM으로 연구한 논문들 소개
DEM으로 시뮬레이션 돌림
Results & Conclusion
- the numerical experiments show that there is a strong floe shape effect on the mean and standard deviation of the ice load in the surge direction in all tested broken ice conditions.
- Approximating the broken ice with square floe shapes will lead to conservative results, but the results may be overly conservative, resulting, in some conditions, in loads that are almost two times greater than if ‘real’ floe shapes would have been used. Approximating the ice floes with circular floe shapes may lead to an under-prediction of broken ice loads.
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