Public Transportation in NorwayDaily lives 2021. 1. 20. 16:51
Bus, Subway, and Tram
There are three ways to get a ticket: 1) From a bus driver, 2) From a ticketing machine, 3) App.
Using the App to buy the ticket is highly recommended since it offers the cheapest deal.
You should buy tickets from different public transportation companies depending on the region/city. Examples of some company's names are:
- In Bergen, Skyss
- In Oslo, Ruter
- In Trondheim, AtB
Each company has two apps: 1) One for tickets, 2) Checking schedules and destinations.
You can buy a train ticket from Vy (formerly, NSB)
Ticket Types
- Single-use ticket
- Period ticket
- For an hour
- For a day (24 hours)
- For a week (7 days)
- For a month (30 days)
The basic rule is that the longer the cheaper per ride.
Zone1 usually means (within) the city. You will have to specify it when buying a ticket.
Source: www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-MMYNTIIVQ&ab_channel=ThisMinah
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