[SFTP] transfer files from a server to a local device카테고리 없음 2024. 11. 20. 15:14
To connect to a server using SFTP and transfer a file from the server to your local PC, follow these steps:Step 1: Prepare the Required InformationServer details:Username (e.g., root or daesoo)Server IP address or hostname (e.g., (default is 22, but it may differ if configured differently on your server).Authentication:Password or an SSH private key file (e.g., ~/.ssh/id_ed2..
slurm job script example카테고리 없음 2024. 11. 8. 21:26
job_script.sh#!/bin/bash# Job name:#SBATCH --job-name=hilcodec_training## Project:#SBATCH --account=nn11068k## Wall time limit:#SBATCH --time=00-00:05:00## Other parameters:#SBATCH --partition=accel#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1#SBATCH --mem=50G#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=16# Set up job environment:set -o errexit # Exit the script on any error# Initialize Conda without sourcing .bashrcMINIFORGE_INSTALL_PATH="..
Lipschitz continuity in GAN카테고리 없음 2024. 11. 8. 14:25
Lipschitz continuity plays a crucial role in Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), especially in the context of Wasserstein GANs (WGANs). Understanding its importance requires delving into how GANs function and why enforcing Lipschitz continuity leads to more stable and effective training.Background: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)A GAN consists of two neural networks: Generator (G): A..
installing miniforge카테고리 없음 2024. 11. 6. 22:42
Example of installing miniforce (kind like mini conda) on the sigma2 server machine.#!/bin/bash# VariablesMINIFORGE_URL="https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge/releases/latest/download/Miniforge3-Linux-x86_64.sh"MINIFORGE_INSTALL_PATH="/cluster/projects/nn11068k/miniforge3"# Silently download and install Miniforgeecho "Downloading and installing Miniforge..."wget -q "$MINIFORGE_URL" -O /tmp/Mi..